If you have care.com account and are not logged in, please follow these steps to reactivate your account:
- Log in to your account.
- Click on the “Activate Care.com Account” link under the “Account Settings” tab on the left side of the screen.
- Enter your username and password and click on the “Activate Account” button.
- Your account will be activated and you will be able to use it as usual!
Care.com is a website that connects caregivers to people who need them, and it’s free for both parties. Caregivers can offer their services for free or you can pay them if you want more flexibility. If you’re looking for a caregiver on the site, be sure to read the reviews of the person you’re considering before hiring them.
To unpause your Care.com account, please contact Care.com customer service at 1-888-836-6664.
To go inactive on Care.com, you can log in to your account and click on “Settings” in the top menu bar. From there, you will see an option for “Inactive Status.” Clicking this button will take you to a page where you can select the date that you would like to become inactive.
You can’t deactivate Care.com. You can only delete your account and create a new one with a different email address if you don’t want to be contacted by them.
No, you cannot deactivate your Care.com profile.
Care.com is a website that connects people who need care for their children, pets, and homes with caregivers. They charge a fee to use the site and they also charge a fee if you’re a caregiver who has been hired by someone on the site.
Care.com is a website where you can search for care providers in your area, and post yourself as a caregiver. You can also browse listings of people looking for caregiving services.To post yourself as a caregiver on Care.com, you’ll need to create an account and provide some information about yourself. You’ll also need to submit a background check and references before your profile will be approved.
Care.com is a website where you can search for care providers in your area, and post yourself as a caregiver. You can also browse listings of people looking for caregiving services.To post yourself as a caregiver on Care.com, you’ll need to create an account and provide some information about yourself. You’ll also need to submit a background check and references before your profile will be approved.
It is possible to trust Care.com with your SSN, but it’s not recommended.