There is no one definitive answer to this question, as Instagram is an ever-changing platform that can change at any time. However, some tips that may help you determine who saves your pictures on the platform include checking to see if anyone has commented on a picture or shared it with others, looking for similar pictures that have been liked or shared by others, and checking to see if a picture has been deleted.

You can see the list of people that have saved your post on Instagram by going to your profile and clicking on ‘Saved Posts.’ This will bring up a list of posts that you have saved. From here, you can click on the name of any saved posts and it will show you who has saved them.

I don’t know if you can tell. There are some apps you can download to see who’s been viewing your Instagram pictures, but I don’t think they work for everyone.

No, you can’t see who has saved your photos on Instagram. However, if someone likes or comments on one of your photos, you’ll be able to see that they’ve liked it.

There are a few different reasons someone might be saving your photos. The first reason is that they like your content and want to make sure they can always access it. The second reason is that they want to use the photos for their own purposes, such as using them for work or school projects. The third reason is that they are stalking you and may have some sort of personal vendetta against you.

There are a few ways to tell if someone is saving your photos on Instagram. One way is by looking at their profile and seeing if they have the photo in their grid or not. Another way is by looking at their feed, if you see the photo in their feed then it’s safe to say they took a screenshot of it.

When someone saves your post on Instagram, you’ll be notified in the comment section of the post. You’ll also get a notification in your notifications tab.

Yes, someone can tell if you stalk them on Instagram. If you’re a regular follower of their account and they notice that you’ve stopped following them, then they may think that you’re stalking them. They may also notice if you start following them again after a long time, which would be a sign of stalking.

The only way someone can tell if you have looked at their Instagram is if they’ve set up a notification to let them know when someone has viewed their profile.

Yes, saves are important on Instagram. Likes are a way to show appreciation for a post, but if you want to go above and beyond for your favorite Instagrammer, the best thing you can do is save their posts. When you save an Instagram post, it will be stored in your profile’s “Saved” folder. This means that when you log back into your account, even if the account is deleted or goes inactive, the photos will still be saved.

You can find out who is stalking you on Instagram by going to your profile, scrolling down to the bottom of the page, and clicking “View your followers.” You will see a list of people who have followed you. If someone has been stalking your account for a while, they are likely to show up.