If you’re like most people, you probably don’t want banner notifications popping up on your iPhone’s screen every time you get a new email or notification. Fortunately, there are a few ways to keep them from happening. The first option is to turn off banner notifications for all apps in the Settings app. This will stop all notifications from coming through, except for those that are specifically designated as “banner” notifications. If you only want certain apps to send banner notifications, you can do that too. Just open the app’s Settings menu and look for the “Notifications” section. There, you’ll see a list of all the apps on your phone and their respective notification settings. Tap on an app name to open its settings page, and then toggle the “Banner” switch to “On.” Finally, if you absolutely can’t stand banner notifications but still want some type of notification when something important happens, you can use third-party apps like Pushover or BetterNotification. These apps will send regular alerts instead of banners, which should be more manageable for most people. ..

Almost all iOS apps show a temporary banner when you receive a notification. It appears at the top of the screen, and then after a few seconds disappears—although you can still see it in the Notification Center.

While this works pretty well for almost everything, you will occasionally miss a notification because you look away while your phone is unlocked, or are too busy doing something with it. If you want to make it much harder to miss a notification, you can make that banner stick around until you dismiss it (on an app by app basis).

With a persistent banner, the notification will keep displaying until you open it by tapping on it or dismiss it by swiping up on it. The banner will even stay if your phone auto-locks, although it will vanish if you open an app or lock your phone yourself. Persistent banners are really great if notifications from an app are really important (say, one that tracks whether your website is online or not).

To enable persistent banners for an app, go to Settings > Notifications and scroll to the app you want. I’m using Airmail, my email app, as an example.

Under Alerts, select “Persistent”.

Now notifications banners for that app will stay visible at the top of the screen until you deal with it, or open another app.