Instagram is a great way to share photos with friends and family, but it can be frustrating when you lose a picture because someone deleted it or your phone crashed. If you want to be sure that your pictures always make it to your followers, follow these tips. First, make sure that you back up your pictures regularly using the Instagram app or the website. If something happens and your pictures are lost, you can restore them from the backup. Second, use hashtags to help people find your pictures. When you tag a picture, Instagram not only shows that picture in its search results but also includes all of the other pictures that have been tagged with that hashtag. This is a great way to help people find specific photos they may want to see. Finally, use Instagram’s “save for later” feature to keep track of pictures you want to save for later. Once you save a picture using this feature, it will automatically appear in your “Saved” section on the app and on the website. This makes it easy to access any saved pictures whenever you want them ..

Yes, you can see who saves your photos on Instagram. When someone saves a photo of yours, you’ll get a notification in the app that says “Saved by [username].” You can then go to their profile to see which photos they’ve saved and liked.

This is an example of a phishing scam. The person who’s saving your photos is trying to get you to give them access to your account, so they can see all of your private information. It could also be someone trying to find out what you’re posting on Instagram and then use it against you in some way.

The only way to tell if someone is saving your photos on Instagram is if you have a mutual follower. If you and the person follow each other, then they will be able to see your photos and save them.

When someone saves your post on Instagram, they are saving it to their own profile so that they can have a copy of the post for themselves. They can then look at it whenever they want and share it with whoever they want.

Yes, your stalkers will be able to tell that you’re stalking them on Instagram. You can also tell if someone is stalking you by looking at their profile and seeing if they’ve been following you as well as checking for any comments or likes on your photos.

Yes, someone can tell if you have viewed their Instagram. The person may notice that you are following them on Instagram, or they may see that you have looked at their profile.

Yes, saves are important on Instagram. Saves are a way for people to bookmark your profile and make sure they don’t forget about it. If you have a lot of followers and you post often, it may be difficult for them to remember what you posted if they don’t save your posts.

Saves are important on Instagram because they allow people to save your photos for future reference. If you like a photo, you can save it for later viewing.

Instagram doesn’t give out that information.

Yes, someone can see how many times you viewed their Instagram story. They will not be notified, however.