Fallout 4 is a game that allows players to explore the post-apocalyptic world of Boston. One of the many things players can do in this game is farm glass. This guide will show you how to farm glass in Fallout 4. To start farming glass, first find a settlement with a workshop. This can be found by exploring and looking for signs that say “Workshop.” Once you find the settlement, speak to the resident and ask about farming glass. They will tell you that they need someone to help them make more glass bottles, and they will give you a quest to complete. The quest requires you to collect 10 pieces of glass from around the settlement. You can find these pieces by breaking objects or picking them up off the ground. Once you have collected all 10 pieces of glass, return them to the resident at the workshop and they will reward you with a bottle of glass wine. ..

Glass is a relatively common material in Fallout 4. If you have the habit of collecting all the junk items you find, you will always have enough glass to meet your crafting needs.

Method 1: Glass From Junk Items In The Commonwealth

You can find bottles and lamps in most places you go. Restaurants, bars, bunkers and factories are great places to go looking for glass.

Keep an eye out for the following junk items and you will never run out of glass:

Beantown Brewery is by far the best spot to farm glass with dozens of bottles waiting to be collected.

Bunkers, such as Boston Mayoral Shelter, are also great places to find glass, among other materials. And other places worth your time are The Gwinnett Restaurant and The Shamrock Taphouse.

Tip: Most items in Fallout 4 take seven days to respawn. You can check most spots again after a week for the best farming efficiency.

The enemies in these locations will put up a fight, make sure you are ready for heavy combat.

And here’s a map of the top locations to check out:

To make it much easier, you’ll need to use the tag for search feature. This will let you know if the items you are picking up contain the materials you are looking for.

Here’s how to activate it:

Open one of your workshops from a settlement Try to craft something you lack the resources for Press the ‘Tag For Search’ feature

Now, all the junk items that contain the materials you are looking for, will display a small magnifying glass before their names.

Follow these steps to transform the junk items you find into glass:

Pick up a bottle, or any other item that contains glass Head to one of your settlements and press the Transfer button on the workshop Choose the items you wish to use and store them inside the workshop When you build something that requires glass, the workshop items will be converted into their raw components and used for crafting

Note: When you press the “Store All Junk” button, make sure to take out any important junk items you want to keep. The workshop might convert an unwanted item for crafting if you are not careful.

Method 2: Getting Glass From NPCs

The easiest and fastest way to obtain glass is to buy it from an NPC. The only disadvantage is that it requires a lot of bottle caps.

The big advantage of buying shipments is that you will never become overencumbered because you don’t need to carry the weight of the materials.

To use the shipments, store them in a workshop, and once you start crafting the shipment will be converted into individual pieces of glass, just like any other junk item would.

These are the NPCs that sell shipments of glass:

And here’s their location on the map of the Commonwealth:

You can also buy junk items, which contain glass, from NPCs and scrap them in your workshop.

This last method is a little bit more time-consuming, but you will end up spending fewer bottle caps than if you bought glass in shipments.