Farm aluminum in Fallout 4 using the following steps:

  1. Start by gathering some aluminum cans from the environment.
  2. Place the cans in a location where you will be able to work with them for a while.
  3. Use an electric drill to bore into the aluminum cans, making sure to keep them as close together as possible so that they will alloys together.
  4. Once you have bored a hole through each can, use an electric current to start welding the cans together. Be careful not to overheat or damage your welds!
  5. Once all of the cans are welded together, place them in a location where you can get light and heat from the sun or an oven. Let them cool for a few hours so that they can harden up a bit.

You will obtain over 100 aluminum after looting all junk items in the vault. The only downside to Vault 95, is that its items don’t respawn.

Alternatively, you can also buy shipments of aluminum from an NPC.

Method 1: Looting Junk Items That Contain Aluminum

Vault 95 is a great place to start, but there are many other great locations to farm this abundant resource:

Note: Most items take around 7 days to respawn in Fallout 4.

Here’s all the previous locations on the map of the Commonwealth:

This is a list of all the items that can be scrapped into aluminum:

Note: Without level 1 of the Scrapper perk, nothing will be gained from scrapping junk items.

Extra Tip #1: How to Know If The Items You Find Contain Aluminum

The “Tag For Search” option allows you to tag certain materials. Once you find an item that contains one of those materials, it will display a small magnifying glass before its name.

Follow these steps to activate Tag For Search:

Open a workshop, from one of your settlements. Try to craft something that requires aluminum. The Tag For Search option will be available if you lack the materials to craft the object/structure you have selected. Activate it, and from now on, it will be much easier to find what you are looking for.

Extra Tip #2: How To Transform Junk Items Into Aluminum

Pick up an item that contains aluminum. Store the item in a workshop. When you start crafting, and lack the raw materials to build, the workshop will automatically scrap the items.

Tip: Don’t use the Store All Junk option. You might store something valuable that the workshop could scrap, and you will never get it back.

Method 2: Buy Shipments of Aluminum From NPCs

If you don’t mind paying a price for your aluminum, this is the easiest and fastest way to get it.

NPCs sell aluminum in the form of shipments. This way, you don’t have to carry the weight of the aluminum.

To use shipments of aluminum, store them in a workshop, just like any other junk item.

Here’s a list of all NPCs that sell shipments of aluminum:

And this is their location on the map: