Europa Universalis IV is a grand strategy game that allows for the player to rule an empire in one of the world’s largest and most diverse empires. The game offers a variety of gameplay options, including diplomacy, military, and economic options. The player can choose to play as a monarchy, an autocrat, or a republic. To become the emperor of China in Europa Universalis IV – a guide, the player must first complete the following steps:

  1. Choose your empire: There are three types of empires in Europa Universalis IV: monarchy, autocrat, and republic. Monarchies are the most common type of empire and can be found in Europe, Asia Minor, and Africa. Autocrats are similar to monarchs but have more power than they do at home. Republics are democracies where all citizens have equal rights and responsibilities. They can be found in North America, South America, Europe (excluding Russia), Asia Minor (excluding Japan), and Africa.
  2. Complete your research: Once you have chosen your empire and completed your research for it – which will include completing all necessary tasks for it such as creating armies and navy – you must then begin to complete your development tasks for it so that you may become emperor! This includes completing all necessary tasks for your government such as increasing taxes to fund your army or navy; building roads; constructing churches; etc. It is important to note that these development tasks cannot be completed until after you have completed all other tasks required for becoming emperor!
  3. Build an army: Once you have completed all of your development tasks for your empire – including building an army – you must then build an army! An army is one of the most important things that a emperor can possess because it allows him to conquer new land and expand his territory! To build an army properly, the player must first find resources such as gold or silver so that they may be spent on soldiers; then he must choose which type of

This is only possible with the “Take the Mandate of Heaven” casus belli.

You’ll get this CB if:

You have a border with the current Emperor of China (EoC) Your state religion is any of these:

Fighting the Emperor of China

Ming is the current EoC at the start. They seem big, but they’re not that strong.

First, consider these points:

  1. Ming’s strength is their massive manpower reserves. They can outlast you even if you keep crushing their armies.

  2. The Chinese tech group has the worst units in the early and mid-game. They only get decent at around Military Tech 17–19.

  3. Ming’s starting ruler has the “Craven” personality, which gives them -5% army morale.

  4. Ming either gets negative or positive modifiers depending on their Mandate value.

At 0 Mandate:

+50% Shock Damage Received +50% Fire Damage Received -50% National Manpower -50% Mercenary Manpower +5 National Unrest

At 100 Mandate:

-2. 5 National Unrest -0. 03 Monthly War Exhaustion -10% Stability Cost

  1. The combat debuffs at low Mandate makes their already terrible units easy to stackwipe.

  2. At low Mandate, large rebellions may become more frequent in Ming, which often leads to the “Ming-splosion”. This is when several Chinese states break away from Ming and declare independence.

Therefore, the trick to defeating Ming (or any other EoCs) is to hurt their Mandate.

The Mandate Mechanic

You can check the Mandate by clicking the dragon icon beside the mini-map.

Mandate Modifiers

The modifiers that increase or decrease the Mandate are:

Tip: Open the Mandate screen and hover over the growth/decay number to see what’s affecting it.

Celestial Reforms

The EoC needs at least 80 Mandate to pass a celestial reform.

After doing so, they’ll lose -70 Mandate and -1 Stability. The AI usually does this as soon as they’re able.

If you’ve allowed Ming to accrue a high Mandate, wait for them to pass a reform. They’ll become vulnerable, giving you an opportunity to attack.

The Destiny of Ming

Ming has several disasters and events which often lead to their downfall. Triggering these are crucial to defeating Ming.


The progress meter for this disaster appears when:

Ming is neighboring a steppe nomadic horde. This horde is not a tributary of Ming. They’ve at least 300 development. They’re not in a truce or in a war with Ming.

Once these are met, the disaster will gain monthly progress by:

Note: All neighboring steppe nomads will be notified when this disaster reaches certain progress milestones. These are at 10, 75, and 100 progress points.

If you’re not a steppe nomad, this is the alternative that you want to trigger.

The progress meter for this disaster appears when:

The Age of Discovery is over. Ming isn’t the EoC or they’ve less than 50 Mandate

This will gain monthly progress by:

Bad Events

While either disaster is active, a series of bad events can happen in Ming. These are collectively known as the “Mingsplosion”.

General Tips To Become Emperor

Oirat and the Jurchen tribes are the closest steppe nomads to Ming. Their missions and events also give them massive advantages against Ming. The Jurchens can form the nation of Manchu. They’re the most likely horde to trigger the “Unguarded Nomadic Frontier” disaster — even if they’re AI-controlled. If the Manchus become the EoC, they’ll form the Qing dynasty. They get bonuses to Mandate growth, which makes them more stable than Ming. But they’ll also switch tech groups from Nomadic to Chinese. Just occupying Beijing, Canton, and Nanjing can harm the EoC’s Mandate by -0. 15. Prioritize taking them first. If possible, try to prolong your wars against the EoC. Get their war exhaustion to rise so their unrest increases. This makes their rebels spawn more often. Do not attack any of Ming’s rebels. Let them wreak havoc to hasten Ming’s demise. The three marches’ 100% Liberty Desire means they won’t help defend Ming from invaders, even if they’re formally part of their wars. Their armies will just stay within their own borders. The Mingsplosion isn’t limited to the events mentioned above. Other rebel-occupied areas can declare independence from Ming.

East Guangdong West Guangdong Guangxi

  1. Wu and Yue gain 100% Liberty Desire.