Alchemy Stars is a game that can be played online or offline. The objective of the game is to win as many stars as possible. There are different levels in Alchemy Stars, and each one has a different set of challenges. The challenges can be completed by playing through the levels, but some may require more than one playthrough. There are also bonus levels that can be unlocked by winning specific challenges in the main game. These bonus levels usually have harder challenges and offer more rewards for completing them. The best way to beat Alchemy Stars is to play through the levels as many times as possible and try to complete all of the challenges. There are also online leaderboards that can help you track your progress.

If that wasn’t enough, you’ll also be Cursed – meaning that only your Captain can auto attack and use their Chain Combo.

Luckily, we can clear the Curse by triggering Aurora Time – meaning we have to connect 15 tiles of the same color all at once.

Things to keep in mind:

You’ll need a lot of tiles, so bring a lot of Converters Schummer’s health is locked, meaning you have to wait another turn to deal more damage after getting her to 49% Clearing this requires a lot of RNG – don’t get demoralized if it takes you a while to clear. Schummer takes up a 2×2 area. Bring Detonators.


This is the team I’ll be using to clear 10-14:

Barton Bethel Bethlehem Azure Sariel

As you can see, I have 3 Converters and 2 Detonators.

If you have a Max Breakthrough (MBT) Cross Converter, you should use that element to clear the stage. They make it a lot easier.

Normally a Converter would never be the Captain, but this is a special case. You need tiles to clear the Curse, and only the Captain can use their Active Skill while Cursed.

Winning The Fight

You can see the four Daemon’s in each corner. Every turn, one will activate. Once all four are activated you’ll automatically fail the stage.

However, you can deactivate Daemons by triggering Aurora Time.

Next turn, your team will be Cursed – so use all of your Active Skills now. This is why it’s important to bring a lot of Converters.

Now the stage looks like this:

It might be tempting to go attack Schummer, but instead, I’m going to skip a few turns. This is done by double-tapping on your team.

This is done to stall for your Captain (or other Converter’s) cooldowns.

Now that Barton’s skill is almost refreshed, and Sariel’s skill is up, I’m going to use 15 blue tiles to trigger Aurora Time.

Don’t use them all – you’ll need them soon.

I’ve damaged Schummer a bit, and I can use my other Aurorian’s skills again. Bethel and Azure’s skills are nice, but Sariel’s is the important one.

Now my board looks like this:

Now that my other Aurorians can also attack and use their Active Skill, I’m going to use more (but still not all) of the blue tiles to damage Schummer.

Now my board looks like this:

Instead of using the blue tiles, I’m going to wait so that I can use Barton’s Active Skill next turn. Schummer will move you, so pray that she puts you in a good spot.

At this point my board now looks like this:

Now I’m going to use Barton’s skill again – this is why he’s set as Captain.

Now, once again, I’m going to use just enough tiles to trigger Aurora Time.

I’m left with this:

This is your last chance to beat Schummer. I still have a Converter left, which will give me just enough damage to defeat Schummer.

It’s important to note that I used Water because of Bethlehem – she allows for flexible conversion, but she’s also a limited unit.

This is more of a guideline to help you figure out what you can do to beat 10-14, since your own list of available units is probably different from mine.

Still, the core idea is the same:

Bring Converters, stall for time, and then hit Schummer as hard as you can in Aurora Time. Good luck!